Pittsburgh Restaurant Food Photography

Yesterday, I did something I haven’t done before. I went on location to a restaurant, here in Pittsburgh, to shoot as many food photos as possible, without a food stylist, for the Restaurant’s menu. The restaurant is Emiliano’s Mexican Restaurant and it has three locations here in Pittsburgh and they’re looking to expand, hopefully out near my house in the south hills… :o) I first learned about Emiliano’s when a friend of mine asked me to meet him there for lunch one day and since then, they’ve been one of my very favorite restaurants in all of Pittsburgh, second only to Mitchell’s Fish Market, in the Galleria Mall. So when I got a call from one of the owners at Emiliano’s to do some food photography for them, I was VERY excited. Not only that, but they ended up being some really great people and I had a great time working for them.

Normally, I do most of my shooting in the studio with a food stylist, but I’ve been meaning to do a little experimentation and try to expand my business toward a more of an editorial style. Don’t get me wrong, I still love what I do with my advertising food photography style, and I don’t see me totally abandoning that type of shooting, but I’ve always wanted to get into shooting cookbooks and and maybe something a little “looser” and faster.

Here are three shots from yesterday’s food photography shoot with Emiliano’s. We actually shot 20 food photo in and eight-hour shoot day, not counting setup and breakdown time. For food photography, that’s REALLY cruising, and we got some really great stuff too! I think I’d like to do some more of this type of food photography, either here in Pittsburgh, or somewhere else close by.

This was a great shake-down shoot. I took a lot of equipment that I didn’t end up needing, and now I know what I need to take along next time and what I need to leave back at the studio.

It was a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to doing it again some time soon…

Pittsburgh Food photography - Fish Taco

Pittsburgh Food photography - Fish Taco

Pittsburgh Food photography - quesadilla

Pittsburgh Food Photography - quesadilla

Pittsburgh Food photography

I'm not really sure what this is, but I do know it's REALLY HOT! :o)

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