Making extra money from your Food blog or food photography web site
with Google Ads
Ok, this isn’t really related to food photography, but it’s still a good idea for boosting your income from your food photography or food blog web page.
You’ve seen them a million times on every Google search page and even on the pages here at my food photography blog. The reason they are here is for me to make a little income off of my web page. Since I don’t charge for the information here on my web page, I need to some income to justify all the effort involved in maintaining a site like this.
Here’s the way it works…
It's called Google Adsense
People / Companies pay Google to bring interested parties, (traffic) to their web sites. They do this by placing ads that will eventually appear on pages and search engines results that relate to the topic they are interested in promoting. For example, on my site you can find ads for other food photographers, food stylist, stock photography agencies, and other related sites. Every time a visitor clicks on one of those ads, the advertiser is charged a fee by Google, and the host (me, in this instance) is paid a portion of that fee. It’s a win, win, win. The “click” helps the advertiser get more targeted traffic to their site, I (the host site) make a few pennies, and Google’s stock goes up a little.
So how can YOU make money on this? Simply sign up for Google Adsense and they will help you start having other people advertise on your site. There are only two real down sides to this: you need to be able to place the ads, so you need to be able to play with the html a little, and some of the ads that appear on your site will most likely be competitors’ ads. If your page relates to a subject that isn’t in competition with anyone, it’s no real problem. Like my site, for example… The blog part of my site probably doesn’t interest my potential clients, just other photographers, so there’s no competition. I do not put Google ads on my Food Photography Portfolio site, however. That would be stupid. :+)
So If your looking for a way to make a few extra bucks a month, Google ads could be a good way to go. Give it a try!