Food Photographer Marketing Checklist

Marketing Checklist for the Professional Food Photographer

For most food photographers, marketing is the easiest thing to get swept under the rug and is arguably the most important activity of their business.  You can be the greatest photographer in the world, but if no one knows, you may soon be repeating the phrase “you want fries with that?”.

When you’re busy, you think that you don’t have time to market, and when you’re slow, it’s too late.  The idea is to be consistent in your marketing efforts, no matter how busy or slow you might be on any given day.  Of course this is totally unrealistic, but it’s a goal to to strive toward.  The checklist below is a list of goals that I’ve given myself.  I may not always to check off every item, but just keeping these things on my mind helps me realize what I should be doing.  So take a look, copy it down, and adapt the list to your specific needs.  Try to get as many of the items checked off as you can.  When you’re busy shooting, you won’t get as many done, but when you’re slow, this list will get you focused on what you need to be doing to grow your food photographer business.

Marketing Checklist

Daily marketing efforts for the food photographer

If possible, I prefer to do the social media stuff BEFORE the regular work day.  That way, even if I’m not working, people can’t tell that I have the day off by all the activity.  It makes me look “slow” and I’d prefer that not happen… :o)

☐  10 Kit Emails (keep in touch)

Facebook Personal
☐  Like / share
☐  Make a Post

Facebook Groups
☐ Visit 3 groups and participate

Facebook Business
☐  Change profile or banner image
☐  Make a post on your business page
☐  Share a resource

☐  Make a post
☐  Like / share 5 posts
☐  Send 3 invitations
☐  Dump / Join 2 groups
☐  Follow 2 Businesses

LinkedIn Groups
☐  Visit 3 groups and participate, even just a little

☐  One post
☐  quick search of your target #☐  Likes

Weekly marketing activities

☐  Answer all blog comments
☐  1 Blog Post per web page
☐  Send out blast to you email list letting them know about the post
☐  Search for content to share and for inspiration

Monthly Marketing stuff to do

☐  Test Shoot
☐  Make a marketing Video

Quarterly Marketing

☐ 1 E-mailer


So this is the checklist I use to discipline myself to market on a regular basis.  If you like what you read hear and want to learn more about food photography, please visit my Food Photography Articles page and sign up for my mailing list over there on the sidebar.