For Photographers

Food Photography in RGB vs SRGB

Food Photography in RGB vs SRGB

Food Photography in RGB vs SRGB I’m not sure if you’re aware of this or not, but the food photos (all photos actually) look better on the web when saved in the SRGB color space. This is all a bit technical for me to explain, and you need to go somewhere else to really understand…

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Let’s photograph some Vegetables!

Let’s photograph some Vegetables!

 Food Photography of Tomatoes, Corn, Chips and Salsa Here are a couple of food shots from last Friday’s shoot. These were the first photos I shot on my new crackle painted boards.  While I’m very happy with the look of the backgrounds, I’m not sure that the the shots wouldn’t have looked better on a…

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Nine Things That Make a Food Photo Look Natural

Nine things that make a food photo look natural I’ve studied food photography for a long time now and I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out just what it was that made a food photo look natural or look fake. It seems like I can tell a mile away which photos were…

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A Unique Way to Market Your Food Photography Services

A Unique Way to Market Your Food Photography Services

A Unique Way to Market Your Food Photography Services I’ve been really busy this week.  I was out of town on a multi-day shoot and then when I got back, I had two solid days of shooting after than.   And then, yesterday (Saturday), I started to finalize the details on a redesign of a Directory…

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Sexy Food Photography Lighting Technique

Sexy Food Photography Lighting Technique

Sexy Food Photography Lighting Technique There’s something pretty sexy about the lighting of the chocolate on top of that brownie.  It’s kind of hard to put your finger on, but there isn’t much denying it.  Can you figure it out?  It’s the fact that the highlight doesn’t have a hard edge.  It just sort of…

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Advanced Food Photography Workshop

Advanced, One-On-One, Food Photography Workshop Are you interested in making the leap into Professional Food Photography? Are you a professional commercial or wedding photographer now, and want to expand into food photography, but don’t feel confident enough to make the jump? Maybe you just need to understand food photography lighting a little better or maybe…

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Three Ways Food Photographers “blow out the background”

Three Ways Food Photographers “blow out the background”

 Three ways food photographers blow out the backgrounds, giving their food photos that “light and airy” feel One question that I get asked all the time is “how do you get that “light & airy” background” look? I’m assuming that all food photographers have their own individual ways of doing things, but let me give…

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Best Food Photography Blogs

Best Food Photography Blogs

Best Food Photography Blogs Since I’m a food photography blogger, I consider it my business to keep up with all the other food photography blogs out there in cyberspace. So from time to time, I scour the Internet looking for new food photography blogs. One of the things I’ve found is that there are very…

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8 Reasons a Food Photographer Needs To Test Shoot

8 Reasons a Food Photographer Needs To Test Shoot

8 Reasons EVERY food photographer needs to test shoot. If you think portfolio development is something only new food photographers go through, you’re totally wrong.  It’s a never-ending process, and to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I love testing.  Yes, it’s a bitch to find the time, but once…

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The New Food Stylist Directory Launch

The New Food Stylist Directory Launch

The New Food Stylist Directory Launch Hey!  So sorry for the lack of posts this week. I’ve been traveling for work and for play, AND, I’ve been slammed with all the things necessary to launch the new Food Stylist Directory.  You can treat the Food Stylist Directory pretty much the same was as you do…

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